Core Values

Fast, Easy, Fun

Respond quickly

Don’t complicate things

Be a great day maker!

Who we are and what we do

We say how we CAN not why we can’t

We are intentionally different

We commit to doing better

We Deliver as promised

Three Uniques

No one can build and deliver faster.

Our technology makes your job easier and faster – you will sell more RTU’s using our technology.

We make it easy and fun!

For our customers and the users of our products to be happy with our products and service, we have always felt that there are 4 factors that will contribute to that happiness.

  1. Did the product ship when they were told?
  2. Did the product deliver when they were told?
  3. Did the product show up undamaged?
  4. Did the product work once it was installed?

We have set a goal for each item and have been tracking these 4 points on a weekly basis for many years. This allows us to make changes instantly if any one of them were to get off track.

  1. % Ship on time = 99.3% (Goal = 99.0%)
  2. % Delivered on time = 98% (Goal = 94.0%)
  3. % Damaged in transit = <0.5% (Goal = 1.0%)
  4. % Failures in the field = 0 (Goal = 0)